Killer Water Saver Jeans - Riot

The film for Killer's Water Saver jeans.

Silver in Film Craft (Sound Design) - Goafest 2013
Gold - Olive Crown Awards 2013

The Green Fold - Presentation Film

The presentation film that showcases how we came about the idea for Killer Water Savers and what we did to magnify it.

Silver Lotus (Design) - Pattaya Adfest 2013
Grand Prix (Integrated) - Goafest 2013
Silver (Design) - Goafest 2013
Silver (Consumer Products) + Bronze (Integrated) - Effies India 2014
Silver (GoodWorks) - APAC Effies 2014

Killer Water Savers - Press Campaign

Press campaign for Killer's Water Saver range of jeans, where each pair saved 100 litres of water during manufacturing.

The Dequadin Voice Smoother app. Make your sore/off-key/whatever sounding voice super smooth!

Britannia Cheese - Snacks Are now Stronger

Print campaign for Britannia Cheese with 40% calcium

Britannia Good Day - The Bowltarang

The TVC for Good Day's free bowl promo.

Run/Ban Jallikatu

A TOI initiative to help the public decide to run/ban the South Indian bull-fighting sport of Jallikatu.

Bronze - Young Guns
Silver and Bronze - Spikes Asia
Gold - Goafest
Silver/Idea Chair - Effies