Britannia Good Day - The Bowltarang

The TVC for Good Day's free bowl promo.

Run/Ban Jallikatu

A TOI initiative to help the public decide to run/ban the South Indian bull-fighting sport of Jallikatu.

Bronze - Young Guns
Silver and Bronze - Spikes Asia
Gold - Goafest
Silver/Idea Chair - Effies - RIP Yellow Pages

An online campaign and activity to encourage people to "rip" their Yellow Pages books and switch to's online Yellow Pages.

Finalist - Cannes
Finalist - Clio
Merit - One Show
Silver - Goafest

For more ripping fun, visit RIP Yellow Pages

"The Slice" Cake Shop

Radisson - Firethrower

Radisson's campaign for their Teppanyaki Food Fest, where Chef Shivajee threw/ate fire while cooking up delicacies on the grill.

Appeared on Luerzer's Archive's March '09 edition.

MRF - Zapp Da Road

The print campaign for MRF Zapper's stylish biker-rappers.

Ford Fiesta - Game to Perform

The Ford Fiesta is so much fun to drive that everyday challenges become like different levels of a game.

MRF Zapper - Zapp Da Road

Kurkure - Flower Surfer

Mirinda - Speed Sangar

Mirinda - Market

Mirinda - Bride

Ford Fusion - The No-nonsense Car

The "no-nonsense" campaign for the relaunch of the Ford Fusion.